With the higher incidence of natural disasters these days. more insurance policies are covering certain events. Hurricane damage is a natural disaster. Since hurricanes can be quite destructive, having renters insurance may help with any recovery or replacement costs. When reviewing renters insurance policies, it is important to understand if natural disasters are considered covered events. If you live in an area with frequent hurricanes, ask the insurance company or broker ahead of time if renters insurance covers hurricane damage.
Understand Policy & Cover Cost
If hurricane damage is a covered event, then you will want to ensure you select a policy that will fully or almost fully cover you. This means it’s important to know how to value your personal property in the event you may need to repair or replace it. Buying more coverage will increase your premium. Not having sufficient coverage may cost you more out of pocket if it becomes damaged or lost. Creating a list of the items you own and placing a value to them will help determine the amount of personal property coverage you need. This inventory list will also help if you have to file a claim. Your list should include descriptions that will help the insurance company when processing your claim.
The process to buy renters insurance is easy and fast. You can purchase it in person or online with an insurance broker. Brokers tend to quote policies from specific insurance companies. For example, if your landlord uses RentersInsuranceWizard, then the broker on the policy is Sure HIIS Insurance Services, LLC. Depending on where you live, American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, American Security Insurance Company, and Ranchers and Farmers Mutual Insurance Company underwrite their policies. Whichever channel you use to buy renters insurance, be sure to ask if your renters insurance covers hurricane damage.